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St. John's National School, Tower Road, Clondalkin


2023/2024 School Year

2nd Jul 2024
The PTA very kindly organised for Natasha to come into our 6th Class pupils for a...
2nd Jul 2024
A fantastic school tour was had by everyone in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class in Butler's...
2nd Jul 2024
We were really creative in our visual art lessons where we created various pieces...
2nd Jul 2024
We had fun learning about the processes in the General Election in June. We even...
30th May 2024
We had great fun learning about how plants grow. We planted Broad bean seeds.We really...
13th May 2024
On Monday every classroom took part in Drop Everything And Dance on the hour every...
13th May 2024
We have been learning about France. We made fact sheets, designed some brochures...
10th May 2024
We learned about transport this month. We designed and built different types of bridges. 
18th Apr 2024
We really enjoyed Red day in February. We made some lovely cards. We made St....